Staff Spotlight: Sgt. Jeremy Webb 

October 13, 2022

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“I have the best job in the Fire Department. I get to spend time with my community and play with all the cool toys!” Fire Safety Educator Sergeant Jeremy Webb knows he has a big responsibility teaching people in our community about safety and preparedness. This week is National Fire Prevention Week, so we decided to talk to Jeremy about his role in this week’s Staff Spotlight. 

Sergeant Webb is from just down the road in Dublin, but he’s been in Macon since 2008. He started as a firefighter with the suppression team, riding on firetrucks, and putting out fires. For the past seven years, however, he’s been teaching people of all ages about the steps they can take to stay safe and prevent fires. As a Fire Safety Educator, Sergeant Webb speaks to schools, holds community events, coordinates safety initiatives, and uses demonstration materials and colorful setups to get the attention of some of our most vulnerable community members – children.

“We want to start them young! Kids are like sponges, and they absorb so much information. It’s important for them to learn from a young age that they can prevent a lot of disasters by being smart and planning ahead,” says Sergeant Webb.

Community connection is in Sergeant Webb’s bones. “My Uncle was a Captain in this Fire Department. I grew up looking up to him and seeing the impact he made in his community, and I knew I wanted to do the same thing. That’s what inspires me to this day.” 

Sgt. Webb’s supervisor, Chief Brenda Thomas says he’s the perfect person to educate the community. “He is sharp as a tack! Sgt. Webb is a great educator because of his presence. He exudes confidence and knowledge in all his presentations. When he first started, I encouraged him to be himself and that’s exactly what he’s doing. We get a lot of letters from people about the impact he makes when he’s out and about. We are so appreciative to have Sgt. Jeremy Webb here with us!”  

When he’s not helping people devise their fire escape plans or teaching kids to stop, drop and roll – Sgt. Webb runs Webb’s Mobile Barber shop. He’s engaged to be married next month, and he’s got three little girls – all under the age of 10. You can see his fresh cuts on TikTok. We asked him the main piece of advice he’d like to relay to the community.  “Please make sure you’ve got a working smoke detector. They save lives. Also, work with your family and your coworkers to create a fire escape plan. Our department can help you with both, so give us a call at (478) 751-9180.” 

Thanks for helping us learn and stay safe, Sergeant Webb! #teammaconbibb is safer thanks to you. 

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