Macon-Bibb Fire Department

Burn Permit

In accordance with the Macon-Bibb County Ordinance the Fire Department requires all residents wishing to burn yard debris (natural vegetation) to obtain a permit to do so. Residents must complete the Burn Permit Request to obtain a permit. It is important to remember to wait until a permit is obtained from the Fire Department before burning.

A burn permit is only valid for the day that you receive the permit, and the fire must be out by dark. Permits are subject to revocation for unexpected changes in the weather.

burn permit
Rules for Residential Burning
  • Burning is permitted Oct. 1 through April 30 only.
  • Burning is allowed only between 9 a.m. and sunset.
  • You may only burn natural vegetative materials from your property on your property.
  • Burn piles may not exceed 6x6x3-feet.
  • Fire location shall be a minimum of 50 feet from any structure and 50 feet from all property lines.
  • A competent adult must be present to guard the burn the entire time the fire is burning.
  • A functional garden hose or method of extinguishment must be present to control or extinguish the fire.
  • Fire must be completely out before dark with no smoldering or hot coals remaining.
  • Burning is not permitted when sustained winds are greater than 10MPH or on days when atmospheric conditions cause smoke to remain low.
  • Fires may not be started with petroleum-based products.
  • Do not burn any building materials, furniture, plastics, clothing, rubber or tires, newspapers, household garbage, boxes.
Commercial Burn Permits/ Air Curtain Burns

Commercial operators are required to have a site visit before a permit can be issued. Please contact the Fire Prevention/ Community Risk Reduction office at 478-751-2700 to complete the application process and schedule the site visit.

burn permit

Today's Permit Count


Visitor Count


  • Burn Permit Application
  • Today's Burn Permit List

Tab 1


no permits are currently being issued

Tab 2

Permit List for 2025-02-08

A burn permit is only valid for the day that you receive the permit, and the fire must be out by dark. Permits are subject to revocation for unexpected changes in the weather.

No Permits for today

Permit ID Address Date Time

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