District 2 reaches several Macon-Bibb communities and Commissioner Paul Bronson says people should be proud of it because of what’s been accomplished and what’s underway.
One of those things is making Maynard Street in Fort Hill safer for pedestrians, bikers, and drivers. This year, the County added speed bumps and a speed radar to a portion of Maynard, in front of Rosa Jackson Recreation Center. There is steady traffic on this street, and residents were tired of seeing drivers speeding. They requested of the Commissioner for some help adding some speed calming devices, and city crews were able to make it happen.
“A lot of kids come here after school to play basketball, get tutoring, and be part of other activities,” said Commissioner Bronson. “So, we want to make sure we do everything to ensure our kids are safe.”
While that project is complete, there is another project in Downtown Macon that is in its early stages of the process. Commissioner Bronson is a strong advocate for creating a Martin Luther King, Jr. Small Business District, which would run from Oglethorpe Street to Concord Street along MLK Boulevard.
“One of the goals with this is to tie in South Macon with Downtown so that way we’re connected and also creating more opportunities for small businesses,” said Commissioner Bronson.
District 2 is also getting a new park along Cliffview Drive. Thanks to the Special Local Option Sales Tax (SPLOST), a previously underused 20-acre greenspace will soon have walking rails, better access to the fishing pond, and parking.
“I’m excited that we get to create another greenspace for our community and neighborhoods,” said Commissioner Bronson.