Selfies for Safety: Shelter in Place drill coming up May 25

May 20, 2022

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Get your best selfie face ready – the Macon-Bibb County Emergency Management Agency is encouraging everyone to snap and share a picture of your hurricane and storm preparations during this year’s Shelter in Place Drill.
At 11:00 a.m. on Wednesday, May 25, you’ll hear the tornado sirens and receive an MBC Alert to let you know – it’s time for the drill! Grab your family, pets, kids, coworkers, colleagues, and friends….and head to your designated SiP location. The purpose of the drill is for everyone in our community to know where the safest location is, wherever they may be, in the event of dangerous storms, tornadoes, or any other weather hazard.
We have tips below on how to best identify this space for your home or workplace. Once you’re nestled safely inside, snap a selfie! You can then post on social media with the hashtag #Sipmaconbibb or email it to the EMA at We’ll share some of your best selfies, and some of you will even win prizes like weather radios, first aid kits, and flashlights.
“We want to make this a community event and encourage everyone to be involved and show that they are ready in case of a disaster,” says EMA Director Spencer Hawkins. “A huge part of our job here at the EMA is being prepared. This drill is an easy step you can make now, so everyone knows exactly where to go during an emergency.”
Click here to see photos from a previous Shelter in Place drill in Macon-Bibb. Keep in mind, the selfie part here is for fun and during an actual emergency, you’ll want weather updates rather than social media updates. If you don’t already receive MBC Alerts, sign up here.
Planning for a Shelter in Place Location 
What does it mean to Shelter in Place? 
Shelter-in-place means to take immediate shelter where you are; at home, work, school, or in between. It is important to listen to TV or radio to understand whether the authorities wish you to remain indoors or to take additional steps to protect yourself, your family, or your co-workers.
What is a good Shelter in Place Location in my home? 
Choose a room in advance for your shelter. The best room is one with as few windows and doors as possible and in the central portion of your house. A room, preferably with a water supply, is desirable—something like a master bathroom or large closet works well.
What is a good Shelter in Place location in my workplace? 
If there are customers, clients, or visitors in the building, provide for their safety by asking them to stay – not leave. When authorities provide directions to shelter-in-place, they want everyone to take those steps immediately. Do not drive or walk outdoors. Select an interior room on the lowest floor available, with the fewest windows or vents. The room(s) should have adequate space for everyone to be able to sit. Avoid overcrowding by selecting several rooms if necessary. Large storage closets, utility rooms, pantries, copy and conference rooms without exterior windows will work well.

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