Our Parks and Beautification Department will plant 455 trees thanks to a 2024 Urban and Community Forestry Trees Across Georgia (“TAG”) Grant from the Georgia Forestry Commission.
The $253,150 grant was unanimously accepted by Commissioner earlier this month during a Commission Meeting. The grant will pay for 455 trees to be planted at seven different disadvantaged sites in our community to mitigate the effects of urban heat islands and provide environmental, health, and social benefits in these areas. Those areas include L.H. Williams Elementary School, Mattie Hubbard Park, Jefferson Long, Bicentennial Park, and areas with the Macon Housing Authority.
“We appreciate the hard work it took to apply for this grant and bringing this to our attention,” Mayor Lester Miller told Parks and Beautification Director Michael Glisson and Landscape Architect Wimberly Treadwell.
The grant covers fertilizer, maintenance, and watering for a year. There was no local match needed for the grant.