This week, Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT) installed five medianettes on Gray Highway from Second Street to Shurling Drive.
The medianettes serve as pedestrian refuge islands, breaking up the turning lane on Gray Highway. Bidirectional turning lanes can be very dangerous for drivers coming from either direction.
“It’s exciting to see progress in that area,” said Macon-Bibb County Traffic Safety Manager Weston Stroud. “The state is working hard to address corridors in our High Injury Network. Traffic Engineering will continue to work with GDOT to address safety concerns in East Macon, and throughout the County, to make our Vison Zero goal a reality.”
Vision Zero is a strategy to eliminate all traffic fatalities and severe injuries, while increasing safe, healthy, equitable mobility for all.
“The Pedestrian Safety Review Board (PSRB) is excited about the efforts of GDOT and Macon-Bibb County to work collaboratively to address safety concerns along Gray Highway,” says PSRB Chair Greg Brown. “The board will continue to advocate for pedestrian safety improvements countywide.”
This project is a result of PSRB and Macon-Bibb County’s efforts to increase pedestrian safety on Gray Highway. This is a plan that GDOT designed and discussed with Macon-Bibb for approval to help with pedestrian safety along this stretch of Gray Highway. GDOT funded the project.