Bibb County students offered free Spring Break art & community camp

March 10, 2023

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The Heart & Sole Workshop is offering a free camp for Bibb County students while they are on Spring Break from Macon 20-24. The camp will be held at the Mill Hill Community Arts Center (213 Clinton Street) each day with drop off running from 8:00 – 8:30 a.m. and pickup from 4:30 – 5:00 p.m. 

To sign up for this free camp, click here, but do so soon. 

Space is very limited with only a few open seats left! 

“All these children are our children and a reflection of our community,” says Randy Heart, Heart & Sole Workshop Teaching Artist. “Someone must have the heart and desire to see these children do better and grow into the amazing adults they can be!”

“We want to show children they can have a powerful voice for good in the community through the arts and self-expression,” says Julia Morrison, Heart & Soul Workshop Project Manager. “It also allows us to provide to families by offering a free childcare option while school is not in session.” 

The camp will focus on helping the students become a citizen artist and will also allow them to conduct a large community art project in the neighborhood. During the day, students will be able to paint, learn about photography, play games, and learn how to do shoe restoration. Lunch will be provided for students, but parents are asked to send lunch if their child has food allergies or specific nutritional needs. 

“I pray they learn to think creatively and solve the problems around them without violence. I pray they cultivate healthy relationships and environmentalism…and how to coexist productively and harmoniously in a family,” adds Heart. “I pray they see the light in themselves.”

The Heart and Soul Workshop is funded with $25,000 from the Macon Violence Prevention (MVP) program through the Community Foundation of Central Georgia (CFCG). It’s an alternate school break program providing mentorship for children ages 6 through 12 with interactive projects that teach them how to be a citizen-artist by master teaching artists.  

In previous camps, students have created positive murals along a block of Main Street on a retaining wall that encompasses two blighted properties and cleared the block of trash and debris – this is a traffic calming measure and allows for better pedestrian access. Students “upcycled” 16 pairs of used shoes, learning about sneaker art and shoe restoration techniques, and donated them to Brookdale Resource Center.  

 About the Macon Violence Prevention Program 

Macon Violence Prevention is an evidence-based, multifaceted program created to address public safety in Macon-Bibb County. Supported and funded by the consolidated government, MVP is a community-wide effort that brings together elected officials, community leaders, agencies, organizations, and departments. 

The application process for the second round of Macon Violence Prevention (MVP) grants has been opened through the Community Foundation of Central Georgia (CFCG). Thanks to funding from Macon-Bibb County, up to $600,000 will be awarded to organizations to continue or start programs focused on violent crime prevention. These programs and efforts are to be aligned with the goals of the community-generated MVP Strategic Plan that were set by nearly 2,000 people through forums and surveys on what our neighborhoods need.   

“The solution to violent crime in our community will be found in all of us working together on the same team,” explained Mayor Lester Miller. “The fact that more than 50 organizations came to the table with good ideas and applied for MVP grants shows that the people of our community are committed to this historic effort. If we continue to work together, we will create a safer, stronger community now and for future generations.”      

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