Notice is hereby given that the Macon-Bibb County will receive sealed bids in the Procurement Department, Suite 308, Macon-Bibb Government Center, 700 Poplar Street, Macon, Georgia 31201, until 12:00 o’clock NOON at the time legally prevailing in Macon, Georgia on Thursday, May 12, 2022, for Fire Station #7 Roof Replacement for Macon-Bibb County Courthouse.
Bids will be publicly opened in the Macon-Bibb Procurement Conference Room located on the 3rd floor-Suite 306 of City Hall, 700 Poplar Street, Macon, Georgia 31201 on Thursday, May 12, 2022, at 2:00 pm.
Minority, Women Owned and other Disadvantaged Business Enterprises are encouraged to participate in the solicitation process. Additionally, respondents are encouraged to use M/W/DBE subcontractors where possible.
Bid Documents
22-055-LH-Fires Station Roof Replacement
22-055-Attachment B Scope of Work
Bid documents may be examined and obtained at the Macon-Bibb County Procurement Department, Suite 308, Government Center, 700 Poplar Street, Macon, Georgia 31201, by calling (478) 803-0554, or may be viewed and downloaded from one of the links included below:
Georgia Procurement Registry website
Macon-Bibb County Procurement Page
A pre-bid conference is scheduled for 10:00 o’clock a.m., Wednesday, April 20, 2022, at located at Facilities Maintenance, 1000 Seventh Street, Macon GA 31206. This pre-bid is mandatory; contractor must be present in order to submit a response.
Any questions related to this Invitation to Bid shall be directed to the following contact person. No contact is to be made to anyone other than the contact listed. Such contact may result in disqualification from the proposal process.
All questions or concerns regarding the Bid should be made via email only.
The Deadline for questions is Friday, April 22, 2022, at 3:00 PM EDT.
Sealed Bids:
Envelopes shall be identified on the outside as “Fire Station # & Roof Replacement”
and delivered by hand or mailed to:
Macon-Bibb County Procurement Department, Attn: Laura Hardwick
700 Poplar Street, Suite 308
Macon, Georgia 31201