Active Solicitations
We appreciate your interest in engaging in business with Macon-Bibb County. To discover the steps for conducting business with us, please click here: How To Do Business with Macon-Bibb County.
Please visit the Georgia Procurement Registry and follow the instructions to access Macon-Bibb County solicitation documents.
- Go to:
- Under the field “Government Type” select “COUNTY GOVERNMENT” from the drop-down option box.
- Under the field “Government Entity” select “MACON BIBB COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS” from the drop-down box option
- Click “SEARCH” and all Macon-Bibb County’s open solicitations will be populated.
- Click on the “Event ID” highlighted as a blue hyperlink for the bid you wish to review or download documents.
- Select “DOCUMENTS” to download bid documents.