On Tuesday, October 19, the Commission allocated nearly half a million dollars toward the Brookdale Resource Center for facility upgrades to better serve residents
Part of those upgrades include new bedding equipment, which the Commission approved $74,600 to be paid from the Emergency Solutions Grant of $482,165. The new beds will replace the cots that are currently at the Center.
The other money will go towards remodeling the former music room into a full-scale laundry room, remodeling bathrooms into showers, removing the carpet in rooms, and reinstalling kitchen equipment.
“This building was built as an elementary school and we’re now utilizing it as a resource center for our most vulnerable people and families,” said Emergency Management Agency (EMA) Director Spencer Hawkins. “What was needed as an elementary school, is no longer needed. These upgrades will meet the mission of the Brookdale Resource Center.”
Since the Center first opened its doors in January, about 900 people have come through those doors. The Center currently averages about 100 guests at a time, with about 50 of those being children.
As we go into the winter months, Hawkins is expecting more people to stay there, so these upgrades will be much needed.